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2010 September minutes

Council on Aging
Board of Directors

Meeting date: September 15, 2010

Called to order by Chair Pat Donahue at 6:33 p.m.

Board members present: Donna Clifford (DC), Pat Donahue (PD), Pam Greaves (PG), Eileen Heredeen (EH), Dolores Nangle (DN), Jane Sarnowski (JS), Alice Williams (AW, arrived 6:40 p.m.).
Absent: Domingo Alvarez

Also present: Joan Lovely (JL, City Council Liaison to the COA Board), Doug Bollen (DB, Director of Park, Recreation & Community Services Dept.), Bill Woolley (BW, Assistant Director of Park, Recreation & Community Services Dept.).

PD: Motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the June 2010 meeting.

EH: Seconded (unanimous approval)

PD: Noted that …
·       The minutes of the previous meeting and the agenda for the current meeting were mailed to board members. It’s a good reminder.
·       Board member James Willis resigned so another board member is needed.
·       Board members should consider reviewing the board’s bylaws. Part of the bylaws say the COA board must have a liaison to North Shore Elder Services. There is not anyone on the board currently serving in that capacity.
·       Andrew LaPointe, president of the Friends of the Salem COA, has requested that the organization be accorded a designated office in the new facility being planned to accommodate the Salem COA at the corner of Boston and Bridge streets.

·       Offered to check with City Solicitor Beth Rennard in regard to the possibility of designating space in a City facility, per Mr. LaPointe’s request, for the exclusive use of a private, non-profit organization. Noted that a meeting of the ad hoc group asked to consider interior design of the new facility, is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 20, at 4 p.m., at the Senior Center. Elaine Bello, the interior designer contracted by the City, will be present at that meeting to discuss potential features and design elements.
·       Dismisses herself at 6:47 p.m. to attend another municipal meeting.

DB: Recommends inviting Architect Harry Gundersen to that interior design meeting.

PG: Noted that it costs $1.22 to receive board meeting minutes and agendas, suggesting it shouldn’t be necessary to remind board members of upcoming meetings in that way and at that expense. Materials have typically been mailed by DB.

DC: Noted she prefers notification by e-mail.

JS: Noted that a simple card would be a preferred reminder.

AW: Offered to call board members the day before each scheduled meeting, as a reminder.

DB: Polled board members as to their preferred means of being reminded about meetings, as well as for receiving minutes and agendas. JS, DN and PG will pick up materials at the Senior Center prior to the meeting. DC, EH and AW would like materials to be e-mailed. PD would like to receive materials by mail.

PD: Asked for report of Director Doug Bollen.

DB: Noted …
·       The City Administration hopes to break ground on the new facility project in the fall or winter. It will be approximately 18 months from that time when the building will be completed.
·       Year-over-year statistics included:
-- Congregate meals, 412 in July/Aug. 2009, up to 736 in July/Aug. 2010; 253 in Aug. 2009, up to 681 in Aug. 2010.
-- Home-delivered meals, 1,936 in July 2009, up to 2,033 in July 2010; 1,861 in Aug. 2009, up to 1,937 in Aug. 2010.
-- Transportation, 1,379 in July 2009, down to 1,313 in July 2010; 1,318 in Aug. 2009, up to 1,563 in Aug. 2010.
-- Social services  248 senior citizens served 390 times in July 2010, 15 non-senior citizens served 33 times in July 2010; 259 senior citizens served 386 times in Aug. 2010; 17 non-senior citizens served 26 times in Aug. 2010.
·       The City level-funded the Council on Aging budget for FY 2011.
·       The Fall/Winter 2010-11 Recreation booklet will be available next week (by Friday, Sept. 24). The cost is covered entirely by advertising and through the Recreation Department’s revolving account (money gained through activity fees).
·       The Park, Recreation & Community Services Dept. (PRCS) staff will have customer service training in November.
·       The annual Massachusetts COA conference, in Falmouth this year, will be attended by social workers Sharon Felton and Lynn Barrett.
·       The My Senior Center database currently includes more than 2,500 people.
·       The PRCS has had two shows on Salem Access TV. More shows will be taped for broadcast in the coming months.
·       The Senior Citizen Volunteer Property Tax Work-Off Program is at maximum capacity (25) through the end of 2010.
·       The Senior Recognition Committee is appreciated for organizing another successful Senior Recognition Week in August.
·       An event designed to publicize the work of the TRIAD Committee is scheduled in September.
·       Asked Bill Woolley to present notes.

BW: Noted:
·       All FY 2011 grant applications have been submitted.
·       The annual report for the Executive Office of Elder Affairs has been submitted.
·       A fiesta, funded entirely through Service Incentive Grant funds, was held in August and was very successful.
·       He started taking a Spanish language course at North Shore Community College, courtesy of the college in appreciation for his supervision of NSCC nursing students who complete “well elder” course requirements at the Senior Center.

DB: Noted:
·       Upcoming activities hosted by the COA will include
-- Salem Ferry trip (Sept. 16)
-- Museum of Science trip (Sept. 23)
-- Fiesta (Oct. 21)
-- Pizza party (Sept. 30)
-- Topsfield Fair trip (Oct. 4)
-- Flu clinic (Oct. 13)
-- Tanner City Idols (Oct. 7; same evening as the Haunted Happenings parade so the a COA van will not be included in the parade this year)
-- Traveling Chef fajita bar (Sept. 27)
·       A 20 hour/week worker, Pat Grimes of Marblehead, has been hired and will be paid through the National Senior Network. She will start Monday, Sept. 20.
·       The Goldentones have been presenting special performances and have been publicized in the Salem News.
·       A July visit to the Salem Senior Center from Spanish-speaking senior citizens from the Chelsea COA was publicized in Siglo 21, a weekly Spanish-language newspaper circulated throughout northeast Massachusetts.

PD: Next meeting will be Oct. 20. DC and AW will not be able to attend.

EH: Motion to adjourn.

DC: Seconded (passed unanimously)

PD: Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Bill Woolley.